Our location

Shantou University Medical College,
22 Xin Ling Road, Shantou,
Guangdong, 515041

General enquiries

Please email: qshan AT yahoo DOT com

Postgraduate students

Interested postgraduate (both Master's and Ph.D.) candidates are encouraged to contact the principle investigator to discuss research opportunities. You will have opportunities to learn new techniques, work on independent projects, and publish in high-impact, internationally-recognized scientific journals. Research projects will be designed based on the mutual interests of both you and the principle investigator. Interested students should email a basic CV and suggestions for projects to the principal investigator.

Undergraduate students

We are currently recruiting dedicated undergraduate students to volunteer in the lab. You will have opportunities to learn new techniques, work on independent projects, and publish in high-impact, internationally-recognized scientific journals.

Interested students should email a basic CV and information on the major scientific subjects they studied/are studying to the principal investigator.

All applicants will be considered, however, priority will be given to students with a strong background in one or more of the following disciplines:

  • physics and chemistry
  • anatomy (especially neuro-anatomy)
  • histology (especially neuro-histology)
  • biochemistry (especially protein structure and function, molecular genetics and molecular biology techniques)
  • physiology (especially cell physiology and neurophysiology)
  • pharmacology (especially neuropharmacology)
  • cell biology
  • psychology
  • neurobiology

Priority will also be given to students who are willing to make a long-term commitment. A good ability in English will be viewed favourably. Emailing us in English is encouraged and appreciated.

Due to the large number of expressions of interest we receive, we regret that we are only able to respond to shortlisted candidates.

Construct requests

To request constructs, please send email to the principal investigator.